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Sandro Cantante

Min Read

April 28, 2021

The success story of TEP Wireless

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TEP's brand renewal

In order to match the new core business, TEP also had to adjust their brand. They needed a bold statement that would show the service's value, so that users could immediately perceive the presented offer and its benefits. To address this challenge, we applied our Product Design Process (PDP), kicking off what would be the new image for TEP.




The challenges

There were basically two main issues that had to be solved. The first regarded the lack of differentiation from the competition. TEP's website look & feel was similar to several other websites that were offering similar services and, as a leader in connectivity solutions, TEP had to be one step ahead.

The second issue concerned the website's imagery, which wasn't reflecting TEP's offer. Users were seeking connectivity solutions and found the website to be more focused on the cost-saving benefits of the service, when compared with other options. The experience had to match the user's expectations, avoiding the risk of being misunderstood for a roaming alternative instead.

As the PDP concluded, our involvement in the project went only on the development side, as further design adjustments were much more data-focused and made by the client according to their business goals. Up to this day, we continue to support TEP on the technical side, assuring that everything keeps running smoothly.

TEP Wireless website detail

A success story

From the business perspective, this project is what we consider to be a success story, and one of which we are proud to be a part of. Since we've first started to work with TEP, they got sold to DHI Telecom, and have secured their position as leaders in their core business.

As the number of people traveling worldwide continues to grow, so does the reach and opportunities for TEP. The company continues to offer a valuable travel companion that soon may be seen as important for the traveler as the passport itself, but is also investing in an array of other travel-related services to complement their main product.

For us, it's always rewarding to watch a company that has been with us for so long now grow, meeting their goals year after year.

Lessons learned

Sometimes, it's important to embrace a complete rebranding to be able to adapt to new realities. User's behaviours and expectations change, and no business can afford to keep the same image and approach through time, regardless of how valuable the product may be. It's important to foresee change and improve according to new environments.

Regarding the TEP Wireless case, the end of roaming charges in Europe meant that they had to change their brand positioning. Users shouldn't be perceiving it for what it was not: an alternative to roaming. The shift had to be made through a different identity, which positioned the brand as a travel service. An improved website and user experience were thus developed to deploy this change.

We expect TEP's business to grow even further in the future, as being connected at all times becomes more and more indispensable. The key is to never lose sight of the user's needs and goals, and understand how new technology breakouts may influence them.

This project with TEP Wireless is one of several successful works we develop, and you can check their feedback as well as from other partners, on our Clutch page.

If you need help with software development or UI/UX design, we have a team of experts waiting for you! Drop us a line here!

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Sandro Cantante
Sandro Cantante

Content manager, text editor, and presenter of strategic ideas, along with being an avid fan of the cinematic arts and visual storytelling.

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