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Mariana Berga
Rute Figueiredo

Min Read

September 14, 2023

Python vs Java: key differences and code examples

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Introduction to Python

Python was first introduced in 1991. Guido van Rossum developed it at the National Research Institut for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands.

This dynamically-typed programming language was designed to fulfil general purposes and be highly readable. Dynamically typed means that Python executes type checking at runtime. Its easiness to use makes Python one of the most popular programming languages, thus being often compared with Perl, Ruby, and of course, Java.

Overall, Python is considered a very powerful and clear object-oriented programming language. It is compatible with all operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Unix, and Linux. Plus, Python is free software. Meaning, users can download and use Python for free, and the language can also be redistributed or modified freely since it is available under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

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Introduction to Java

Java was developed at Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle) by James Gosling and released in 1995. It is also a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that is statically typed (perform type checking at compile time). Java was intended to be WORA, which means: write once, run anywhere.

Java is compiled to bytecode, which can run on any JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Therefore, this language is platform-independent since it does not need to be compiled into a specific platform machine. Java's syntax presents similarities to C++ and C; however, it has fewer lower-level facilities.

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Python vs Java: comparison table

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Python vs Java: applications

Both Python and Java can often be used for Machine Learning and API interactions. However, while on the one hand, Java is often used for enterprise grade applications; on the other hand, Python is excellent for scientific and numeric computing.

Java is a very recognized and used language for web development, being more well-known among senior developers. In addition to handling asynchronous programming, Java is also a very good option for Desktop GUI applications, Enterprise Solutions, Embedded Systems, and web application services. Plus, it has a useful and helpful Natural Language Process community.

Contrarily, Python is very known for its outstanding data processing libraries (e.g., Dask and Pandas), as well as data visualization (e.g., Matplotlib) tools. Thus, it is often used by those interested in entering data science and also by junior developers. Overall, Python provides excellent machine learning libraries, such as PyTorch and TensorFlow, which are both written in this language.

In fact, when it comes to Machine Learning, Python has often been considered a more suitable option since it is syntactically straightforward and offers a vast library package and resources. However, for some, Java is also a compelling option regarding Machine Learning due to its easy debugging and ability to handle large-scale operations and enterprise programs. Plus, developers can also work with Weka, Deeplearning4j and other libraries using Java.

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Python vs Java: key differences

Interpreted vs Compiled languages

Python is an interpreted language, meaning it can instantly convert human-readable code into machine-readable code, making it easier to debug and review.

Java is a compiled language. Compiled languages translate source code into machine code before running it.


As previously mentioned, Python is a dynamically-typed language, and Java is statically typed. This is the most significant difference between these object-oriented languages since it impacts how the developer writes, designs, and troubleshoots programs.

While typing code, the developer does not require inputting the variables since these are input during the runtime, making Python a very easy and straightforward language. This makes Python also very clear and uncomplicated to read. Another great plus is that this language does not need enclosing braces, and the code blocks are organized according to indentation, making Python very user-friendly and intuitive.

Contrarily, Java requires the developer to type in all the variables and has very rigorous syntax rules. Whenever there is an error in the code, the program will not run, which can be very frustrating and demotivating, especially for beginners. For instance, while Java takes ten lines of code to read from a file; Python, on the other hand, only requires two lines of code.

Unlike Python (which allows for indentation for writing blocks with multiple lines), Java needs to insert the lines inside of curly brackets to establish and define a method or a block.

Take a look at the following examples comparing Python with Java regarding similar functions:

1. Lists and Arrays

  • In Python:

  • In Java:

2. Defining a class with constructor and a method

  • In Python:

  • In Java:

3. Instantiate an Object from class person

  • In Python:

  • In Java:


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Python and Java are cross-platform languages since they both compile bytecode and run it in virtual machines. However, Java compiles code in advance and distributes the bytecode, while Python tends to compile the code at runtime.

Thanks to Java's static-typing syntax, the compilation is actually faster and easier than Python's dynamic typing. Despite the previously mentioned disadvantages, the static-typing syntax is less prone to errors and is more strict regarding the targeted platform, consequently improving code compilation.

Furthermore, Java also provides a JIT (Just-in-time) compiler. This device enables the bytecode to be compiled into the native machine, which allows the compiled code to be called directly. The result? A faster performance.

Python processes code during the compile-time (which is when variables are considered). When the code follows a dynamic-typed syntax, it is not as agile regarding compilation with every platform. Further, as stated, Python tests the syntax during the runtime, meaning that it can keep the whole application on hold if any error occurs with the program. Consequently, both of these factors can lead to reduced language speed and efficiency.


Unlike Python, Java requires the developer to write according to strict syntax rules and include all the variables. In consequence, there is more code volume, more code to review, and more code to fix. But there is a good side to this! Since everything has to be reviewed and established before running, the code must be very well written and, therefore, the software might be more stable and less prone to crashes.

This is why Java is usually considered the best option for business enterprises such as banks. In fact, Java is often very associated with traditional language for corporations. Nonetheless, Python has also proven to have no trouble handling large-scale software.

To say that Java offers great software stability does not mean that Python is unstable. In comparison, indeed, big companies, such as Android, Docker, and Airbnb, include Java in their tech stack. On the other hand, it is also true that Reddit and even Instagram (Django web framework written in Python) use Python Python as part of their tech stack.


In Python, the development is incredibly fast due to the easiness, simplicity and practicality to write in this language. When working against the clock, Python is most likely the best solution. However, we cannot say the same about Java regarding development speed. Java projects tend to take longer and may require larger development teams.

In fact, building an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) in Python can be surprisingly fast (in a matter of weeks), while in Java, months would most likely be the case.

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Python vs Java: which one to learn?

There is a consensus that Python is a more suitable choice for beginners since its syntax is fairly easy and clear. Plus, Python is a more user-friendly and intuitive language.

Java, in turn, is more complex and challenging. There is a learning curve with a high entry point regarding this language since it takes a lot of time to fully understand how to write in Java and how each API may differ.

It is also argued that Java can lead to higher quality code; however, it is also important to keep in mind that an experienced Python developer can benefit from the same functionalities as in Java.

Ideally, an outstanding developer would benefit greatly from learning both languages. As we have previously observed, Python and Java excel at different applications. To begin coding, Python might be easier to learn, but Java is far from being impossible; it just takes longer.

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Python vs Java: which one is better?

Which is better, Python or Java? Python's simplicity and readability make it great for beginners and rapid development, while Java's static-typing and object-oriented features make it ideal for large scale applications. The "better" choice depends on your project requirements and personal preference.

Although Python is expected to run slower than Java, it also takes less time to develop. Due to the built-in high-level data type, as well as dynamic typing, Python is usually shorter than equivalent Java programs, thus being more straightforward and faster to develop.

Since Java requires more code and everything needs to be pre-defined, developers also need more time to review everything and fix potential errors. Naturally, the more code there is, the more complex it gets. Nonetheless, the rigour it takes to write the code well can also result in a more stable and robust software.

Simply put, Python runs slower but launches faster. Contrarily, Java launches slower but stands out for running faster. Ultimately, the better programming language is the one that meets the type of software program the developer wishes to create. Ideally, as referred, developers would benefit from learning both languages.


After carefully analyzing the programming languages, it is no surprise that both Python and Java are in the top languages used worldwide. Python stands out for its simplicity and practicality, making development less complex. On the other hand, Java is not as simple to use, but it does offer outstanding stability and is a great way for the developer to apply computer science fundamentals.

Plus, as we have observed, Python programs are typically shorter than the equivalent programs in Java due to Python's dynamic typing as well as the built-in high-level data types. However, Java is faster at runtime and also easier to debug.

In short, both languages provide so many advantages that together they would make an outstanding combination!

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Mariana Berga
Mariana Berga

Marketing intern with a particular interest in technology and research. In my free time, I play volleyball and spoil my dog as much as possible.

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Rute Figueiredo
Rute Figueiredo

Software developer with a big curiosity about technology and how it impacts our life. Love for sports, music, and learning!

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